Porto Pollo, Sardinia

Porto Pollo unites the mainland and the beautiful Isola dei Gabbiani through a thin strip of sand. The beach fans out with dunes covered in lavender, mastics and juniper trees, and is an excellent spot for water sports. The beach is constantly hit by winds, which is why it is a particularly popular destination among sailors and practitioners of windsurfing and kite surfing.

Exposure: 1/1000 sec at f / 1,8; Focal Length: 3,99 mm; ISO Speed Rating: ISO 32; Model: iPhone 8 Plus; Lens: iPhone 8 Plus back camera
Country: Italy; Region: Porto Pollo; Longitude: 41°11’38.46” N; Latitude: 9°19’6.119” E

Exposure: 1/12000 sec at f / 1,8; Focal Length: 3,99 mm; ISO Speed Rating: ISO 25; Model: iPhone 8 Plus; Lens: iPhone 8 Plus back camera
Country: Italy; Region: Porto Pollo; Longitude: 41°11’30.48” N; Latitude: 9°18’55.169” E

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